Browse Items (68 total)

  • Collection: Publications and Creative Works

"Hobo-style Cooking" pamphlet

The hobo's favorite jungle recipes, easily adapted to any campfire or kitchen. Recipes include Steamtrain Maury's hobo stew, Burma Shave's jungle jambolya, Ramblin' Rudy's barbecue sauce, Hobo Norm's jungle basics, Minneapolis Jewel's bread and jam,…

Inquiry 1973 for hobo king

List of 103 questions given to candidates for hobo king. Used to determine authenticity of hoboing.

Britt's First Hobo Convention

Titled "Britt's First Hobo Convention: Including the Origins of 'Tourists Union No. 63 and the History of Britt's 'Onion Cotton' Logo", included text and images

Amana Colonies research

Titled Britt's Hobo Connection to the Amana Colonies, included text and images

Riding the Rails

Titled "Connecticut Shorty's Riding the Rails", text and photographs included.

The Historic Graffiti Society pamphlet

Pamphlet from The Hobo Graffiti Society the details the historic significance of hobo codes and graffiti.

"Murphy's Bum Camp" newspaper article

Local reporting from "Murphy's Bum Camp" near the Kishwaukee river in Illinois. Details the camp used by vagabonds, drifters, and hoboes during the Depression era.

"A Conversation with Mountain Dew" transcript

Transcription of interview on the life of Mountain Dew. Most likely an oral history transcription. Location of audio unknown.

"Hard traveling gents of the road" magazine article

Image of hoboes standing and sitting the freight car at the 1981 Hobo Convention in Britt. Front row: The Shadow, Arkansas Traveler, Virginia Slim. Back row: Portland Gray, Slo Motion Shorty, Frypan Jack.

Tramp art newspaper article

Newspaper article published on the significance of tramp art highly sought after by collectors.