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  • Collection: Publications and Creative Works

"The Hobo Style" book

Book dedicated to documenting hobo history and culture. Britt, Iowa featured. Created in partnership with the Hobo Museum in Britt.

"The last hurrah of the ramblin' man" article

Article on the 1972 convention in Britt, Iowa.

"The Last of the Great American Hobos" article

Article featuring the 2018 convention in Britt, Iowa.

"The Most Famous Tramp in America" pamphlet

Stories of Chess McCartney's the Goat Man travels across the United States, and Connecticut Shorty's and New York Maggie's travels and visits seeing Goat Man.

"The Traveling Adman'" article

Article on the secret life of Adman on the balance between working in an office and riding the rails. Magazine name unknown.

"They're all varnish up there" article

Article discussing the significance of the railroads and the role of the hobo.

"Treasure is Where you Least Expect to Find It" article

An article written by Hood River Blackie about his hoboing experiences.

"Wisdom and Nonsense: My Adventures as a Train Rider and Hobo Queen" book

Collection of stories of Minneapolis Jewel's travels and her experiences attending the Hobo Convention since the 1990's. Table of contents: "My First Ride", "Meeting Iowa Blackie", "Running for Hobo Queen", "What is a hobo?", "Adman", and many more.

Hobo Nation by J.F. Pirro

This story results from a longtime personal fascination with the hobo culture as a lifestyle choice, and fits within a general genre or catalog within my 42-year print media career's focus on under-served and unrecognized individuals who have such…

1989 cover of The Palimpsest

Cover of summer 1989 magazine featuring a hobo at the back step of house. Feature of Britt convention with photo from 1939 convention.