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  • Collection: Publications and Creative Works

Photo of "Steamtrain Maury" from newspaper

Photo of Steamtrain Maury freight hopping. Description states "bindle on his back, Steamtrain Graham waits for the train to leave Toledo, Ohio."

"Bums' rush to Britt nears extinction" newspaper article

Article on the decline in attendance at the Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Quotes from Steamtrain Maury.

"Bumming out in Britt, Iowa" newspaper article

Feature of Steamtrain Maury in newspaper article that discusses the significance of the Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa.

The Last American Romantic article

Magazine article featuring early arrivals at the 1979 hobo convention in Britt. History of hoboing in America and history of the Britt convention. Feature of Steamtrain Maury and many other popular hoboes of the time.

Hobo Sketches by an Amana Station Agent

Magazine article featuring the history of hoboes traveling through the Amana Colonies in Iowa.

Tramp Miners article

Article featuring Hood River Blackie's years of Western mining and the differences between tramp miners and hoboes.

Riding the Rails with Hood River Blackie article

Article featuring Hood River Blackie's travels and description of the hobo jungles and camps he encountered during this travels.

The Last of the Old-Time Hoboes article

Article written about Hood River Blackie and his 32 years of riding the rails.

"Endangered Species? Hood Rover Hobo" article

Reproduction of article written about "Hood River Blackie's" life hoboing.

The Life and Hard Times of the Hobo

General article on the history of hoboing.