Browse Items (68 total)

  • Collection: Publications and Creative Works

The Last of the Old-Time Hoboes article

Article written about Hood River Blackie and his 32 years of riding the rails.

"The 19th century harvest hand" article

Article featuring information on the history of hoboing in the 19th century.

Photo of "Steamtrain Maury" from newspaper

Photo of Steamtrain Maury freight hopping. Description states "bindle on his back, Steamtrain Graham waits for the train to leave Toledo, Ohio."

The Historic Graffiti Society pamphlet

Pamphlet from The Hobo Graffiti Society the details the historic significance of hobo codes and graffiti.

The Last American Romantic article

Magazine article featuring early arrivals at the 1979 hobo convention in Britt. History of hoboing in America and history of the Britt convention. Feature of Steamtrain Maury and many other popular hoboes of the time.

On the Road songs

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A collection of songs by "Virginia Slim". Release date unknown.

Hobo Cookbook

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Collection of recipes from various hoboes. Release date unknown.

"Bums' rush to Britt nears extinction" newspaper article

Article on the decline in attendance at the Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Quotes from Steamtrain Maury.

"Remnants" song book

Collection of songs, lyrics, and poems from Virginia Slim's travels on the road. Picture of a young Viriginia Slim riding the rails on the cover.