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  • Collection: Publications and Creative Works

The National Hobo Convention: A Historical Sketch

Full title: The National Hobo Convention: A Historical Sketch of the Annual National Hobo Convention of Tourist Union No. 63. Created/Published by various people in the hoboing community.

Wit and Wisdom of the American Hobo: Sayings and Quotes of Contemporary Hoboes

A small pamphlet featuring advice and wisdom about hobo life. Numerous contributions from well-known individuals in the hoboing community.

1989 cover of The Palimpsest

Cover of summer 1989 magazine featuring a hobo at the back step of house. Feature of Britt convention with photo from 1939 convention.

Adman's Obituary

Adman's obituary from the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, Minnesota.

The Life and Hard Times of the Hobo

General article on the history of hoboing.

Inquiry 1973 for hobo king

List of 103 questions given to candidates for hobo king. Used to determine authenticity of hoboing.

"Patches" pamphlet

Steamtrain Maury" explaining the historical significance of the Britt Hobo Convention. History of hoboing from post-Civil War to the 1970s. Steamtrain Maury's perspective on the definition of hoboing.

"Remnants" song book

Collection of songs, lyrics, and poems from Virginia Slim's travels on the road. Picture of a young Viriginia Slim riding the rails on the cover.

"Bums' rush to Britt nears extinction" newspaper article

Article on the decline in attendance at the Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Quotes from Steamtrain Maury.