Browse Items (68 total)

  • Collection: Publications and Creative Works

"A Conversation with Mountain Dew" transcript

Transcription of interview on the life of Mountain Dew. Most likely an oral history transcription. Location of audio unknown.

"A History of the Hoboes" booklet

Explaination of various traveling identities, including tramps, transients, hitchhikers, bums, boomers, gypsies, winos, and vagabonds.

"A Hobo Lives Again" book

Book titled "A Hobo Lives Again" featuring stories from hobo life on the read. Release date unknown.

"Around the Jungle Fire": a collection of stories from life on the road

A collection of stories from authentic hobo life on the road. Consists of a 3-part series. Release date unknown.

"Bumming out in Britt, Iowa" newspaper article

Feature of Steamtrain Maury in newspaper article that discusses the significance of the Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa.

"Bums' rush to Britt nears extinction" newspaper article

Article on the decline in attendance at the Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Quotes from Steamtrain Maury.

"Endangered Species? Hood Rover Hobo" article

Reproduction of article written about "Hood River Blackie's" life hoboing.

"Fishbones Hoboing in the 1930s" book

Detailed account of Fishbone's life on the road. Lived experiences of hoboes traveling in the 1930s harvesting wheat in the West and freight hopping across the United States.

"Hallelujah, I'm a Bum" article

Article on the history of hoboing. Date unknown.

"Hard traveling gents of the road" magazine article

Image of hoboes standing and sitting the freight car at the 1981 Hobo Convention in Britt. Front row: The Shadow, Arkansas Traveler, Virginia Slim. Back row: Portland Gray, Slo Motion Shorty, Frypan Jack.