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Riding the Rails with Hood River Blackie article
Article featuring Hood River Blackie's travels and description of the hobo jungles and camps he encountered during this travels.
Tags: culture, history, Hood River Blackie
"Any Army of Boys on the Loose" article
Article from the historic Survey Graphic magazine featuring information about young people hopping the rails during the 1930s.
Action Comics: From Rags to Riches
Cover image depicts Superman as a hobo in a hobo jungle. Text displays "Why does Superman fight crime as millionaire and as a hobo?"
"Free the Boxcar" photograph
Picture of boxcar first brought to the hobo jungle in Britt, placed on train tracks and repurposed for use during hobo convention
Tags: culture, history, National Hobo Convention
Written Letter from Adman
Letter written by Adman that discusses the creation of a time capsule and the establishment of a Hobo Museum for tourist attraction.
Tags: Adman, culture, history, National Hobo Convention
Stories by Adman
"Of sunflower seeds, beef jerky, and B.N.'s highline" by Adman
Why do hoboes need a museum?
Argument from Adman about why the hoboes need a museum.
Fundraising Proposal for Homeless American Citizens by Adman
Penny Route fundraising proposal written by Adman. Riding box cars from New York City to Los Angeles raising a penny-a-mile for the homeless. The exact date is unknown.
Penny Route documents
Documents related to the Penny Route, written by Adman. Details Adman fundraiser for the homeless. The exact date is unknown, most likely early 1980s.
Ceramic Doll & Cracker Jack plastic toy
“Honor the hobo, Keep the Memory Alive” Did ceramic doll collectors go thru a stage of collecting “American heroes”? This piece is advertised as a special edition genuine porcelain – this doll commemorates the free-spirited people who ride American…
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Mountain Dew and Frisco Jack's tin craft cups

Handmade copper wire hobo cups made from a soup can and a mountain dew can. Frisco Jack is printed on the front of one can. The tin cans most likely…