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"Hobo Stories and Quotes" booklet
Quotes from famous hoboes such as Adman, Liberty Justice, Frisco Jack, Hard Rock Kid, Pennsylvania Kid, Connecticut Shorty, Fry Pan Jack, Minneapolis Jewel, Hood River Blackie, to name a few. Stories include "Miracle Insect Bugs", "Gene Parker Gets…
Tags: Connecticut Shorty, culture, history
"Hobo Soup" booklet
Stories about hobo culture, such as the significance of hobo monikers, the firsco circle, and hobo signs. Stories from Connecticut Slim. Photographs of famous hoboes.
Tags: Connecticut Shorty, Connecticut Slim, culture, history
"The Most Famous Tramp in America" pamphlet
Stories of Chess McCartney's the Goat Man travels across the United States, and Connecticut Shorty's and New York Maggie's travels and visits seeing Goat Man.
Tags: Connecticut Shorty, culture, Goat Man, history, New York Maggie
"Wisdom and Nonsense: My Adventures as a Train Rider and Hobo Queen" book
Collection of stories of Minneapolis Jewel's travels and her experiences attending the Hobo Convention since the 1990's. Table of contents: "My First Ride", "Meeting Iowa Blackie", "Running for Hobo Queen", "What is a hobo?", "Adman", and many more.
Tags: culture, history, Minneapolis Jewel
"Fishbones Hoboing in the 1930s" book
Detailed account of Fishbone's life on the road. Lived experiences of hoboes traveling in the 1930s harvesting wheat in the West and freight hopping across the United States.
"Hobo-style Cooking" pamphlet
The hobo's favorite jungle recipes, easily adapted to any campfire or kitchen. Recipes include Steamtrain Maury's hobo stew, Burma Shave's jungle jambolya, Ramblin' Rudy's barbecue sauce, Hobo Norm's jungle basics, Minneapolis Jewel's bread and jam,…
Tags: culture, Gypsy Moon, history
A Letter from Hood River Blackie
Letter sent to Minneapolis Skinny about Hood River Blackie's travels and his appearance in the Broadway musical "Hobo from Hoboken".
Tags: culture, Hood River Blackie, letter
Interview with Connecticut Shorty and New York Maggie
Discussion of Connecticut Shorty and New York Maggie's travels, memories of their father Connecticut Slim, their first experiences freight hopping, their work with the Hobo Museum, being elected hobo queen, and other involvement with preserving hobo…
Interview with Sunrise, K-bar, Angie Angel, and IoWegian Rick
Discussion of Sunrise's experiences freight hopping, traveling, and being elected hobo queen. K-bar's account of his own hobo experiences, in addition to hobo history in Britt, the state of Iowa, and the greater Midwest. Angie Angel's take on life,…
Interview with Bazzman and K-bar
Featuring newly elected hobo king, Bazzman, seasoned rider K-bar, and traveler Sloth. Discussion of Bazzman's life on the road, his work organizing the young riders, including keeping count of the last remaining hoboes who are freight hopping.…
Tags: Bazzman, culture, history, K-bar, National Hobo Convention
Featured Item
Mountain Dew and Frisco Jack's tin craft cups

Handmade copper wire hobo cups made from a soup can and a mountain dew can. Frisco Jack is printed on the front of one can. The tin cans most likely…