Browse Items (444 total)

"My 1936 Dodge 'Pick em' Up" story

Story about acquiring 1936 Dodge. Author unknown, most likely "Adman" Todd Waters. Stories from travels on the road. Date unknown.

"Patches" pamphlet

Steamtrain Maury" explaining the historical significance of the Britt Hobo Convention. History of hoboing from post-Civil War to the 1970s. Steamtrain Maury's perspective on the definition of hoboing.

"Prose and Poetry of Iowa" booklet

Collection of stories and poems from Iowa Blackie. Iowa Blackie shares stories, emotions, and feeling from the road. A semi-autobiographical account of Iowa Blackie growing up in the Midwest on the Pacific railroad line.

"Rail Riders' queen is a part-time hobo" article - Minneapolis Jewel

Article featuring Minneapolis Jewel on her life as a part-time hobo.

"Remnants" song book

Collection of songs, lyrics, and poems from Virginia Slim's travels on the road. Picture of a young Viriginia Slim riding the rails on the cover.

"Riding rails for the homeless" article

Article featuring Adman on raising money for the homeless. Date of publication unknown.

"Simple life" postcard

Image of hobo traveling on train tracks with bindlestiff.

"Still Good" Norman Rockwell

Illustration of hobo with bindlestiff going through the trash. Test displays "still good".

"Stranger than fiction, John. P Harms, hobo Cinderella" article

Article featuring Carl the Tramp on his west coast travels in the 1890s. Publisher/creator unknown. Date unknown.

"Tales of the New Depression" article

Article featuring Adman on the hardships of the road. From In Transition - a publication of travelers and immigrants aid of Chicago.