Browse Items (444 total)

Hobo Convention Stories, 1983, Side B

Extra Tape - Side B.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Hobo Convention Stories, 1983, Side A

Extra Tape - Side A.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Interview with Irish Red, Virginia Slim, and Minneapolis Skinny

Irish Red, Virginia Slim, and Minneapolis Skinny recall their experiences attending the National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa.

Interview with Flatcar Frank

Flatcar Frank recalls his experiences attending the East Coast Hobo Gathering in Pennsburg, PA and the West Coast Hobo Gathering in Dunsmuir, CA.

'A Prairie Home Companion - Hobo Sketch

An audio recording of a segment from the radio show “A Prairie Home Companion” titled “Hobo Sketch.”

'VidTrim - The Old Hobo Spirit, The 'Promised Land' Barred to Hoboes

A combination of two short videos from VidTrim—a music video featuring the song “The Old Hobo Spirit,” and a news special titled “The ‘Promised Land’ Barred to Hoboes.”

New Brothers

A short comic video clip about hobo life, featuring hobo Iwegan Rick.

2018 Hobo King and Queen Party Footage

Video footage from the 2008 Hobo King and Queen Party at the home of Half Track in Little Falls, Minnesota.

2018 National Hobo Convention Hobo Church Service

A recording from the Sunday church service held at the 2018 National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa.

To Bellingham Kid from Redbird Express (Part 4)

Video footage of the 1992 hobo gathering in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania, originally created by Redbird Express and given to Bellingham Kid. Part 4 of a four-part video series.