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Wine bottle

Tall wine bottle made from glass with "hobo" wine label. Caberbet Sauvignon, 2016 Alexander Vallet, Sonoma County. Produced and bottled by the Hobo Wine Company in Santa Rosa, California.

"Hobo Gear" hat

Navy cap, 1990s style, with white print

Whiz Comics: Captain Marvel a Hobo?

Cover image depicts hobo walking along train tracks looks at billboard with Captain Marvel. Billboard text displacts "Is Captain Marvel a hobo?"

Action Comics: From Rags to Riches

Cover image depicts Superman as a hobo in a hobo jungle. Text displays "Why does Superman fight crime as millionaire and as a hobo?"

The Tramp Joke Book

"The Latest Tramp Jokes", form of discrimination against the wanderer, cover depicts two hoboes and doghouse. Color description: yellow, red, black, white

"Still Good" Norman Rockwell

Illustration of hobo with bindlestiff going through the trash. Test displays "still good".

"Time to retire?" Norman Rockwell

Illustration of hobo in rags, sleeping with bindlestiff, and can of soup. Text on the sign says "Time to retire? Buy Fisk".

The postcard tramp magazine article

Article titled "Wokring and Wandering". Article explains the historical and cultural significance of hobo art/tramp art.

"I may be here for sometime" postcard

Drawing of man being chased up a tree by a bull. Text displays "I may be here for some time."