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"The 19th century harvest hand" article

Article featuring information on the history of hoboing in the 19th century.

"The Alabama Hobo" book

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Stories about hobo life on the road. Release date unknown.

"The Hobo Style" book

Book dedicated to documenting hobo history and culture. Britt, Iowa featured. Created in partnership with the Hobo Museum in Britt.

"The king of tramps was here" article

Article featuring Tex, King of Tramps (K.T.) with stories from his travels.

"The last hurrah of the ramblin' man" article

Article on the 1972 convention in Britt, Iowa.

"The Last of the Great American Hobos" article

Article featuring the 2018 convention in Britt, Iowa.

"The Most Famous Tramp in America" pamphlet

Stories of Chess McCartney's the Goat Man travels across the United States, and Connecticut Shorty's and New York Maggie's travels and visits seeing Goat Man.

"The Traveling Adman'" article

Article on the secret life of Adman on the balance between working in an office and riding the rails. Magazine name unknown.

"They're all varnish up there" article

Article discussing the significance of the railroads and the role of the hobo.

"Time to retire?" Norman Rockwell

Illustration of hobo in rags, sleeping with bindlestiff, and can of soup. Text on the sign says "Time to retire? Buy Fisk".