Browse Items (444 total)

Roadhog USA's hat from Liberty Justice

From the book "The Hobo Style". Items found in the National Hobo Museum in Britt, Iowa.

Roadhog USA's hat

From the book "The Hobo Style". Items found in the National Hobo Museum in Britt, Iowa.

Road Hog Interview on Prime Time

A recording of an interview with Road Hog, originally featured on Prime Time Live. Featuring Minneapolis Jewel and Adman.

Riding the Rails with Hood River Blackie: Old Joe Bennett article

An article written by Hood River Blackie about Old Joe Bennett.

Riding the Rails with Hood River Blackie article

Article featuring Hood River Blackie's travels and description of the hobo jungles and camps he encountered during this travels.

Riding the Rails

Titled "Connecticut Shorty's Riding the Rails", text and photographs included.

Ridin' Free

A documentary about hobo history and hobo life. Footage from the National Hobo Convention and footage from the memorial service at the Hobo Cemetary.

Reminiscing a train ride with Adman by Minneapolis Skinny

Written account of Minneapolis Skinny's time with Adman and his first encounters with a hobo in 1972.

Rattlesnake Joe article

An article written by Hood River Blackie about Rattlesnake Joe.

Rambling Rudy's canvas bag

From the book "The Hobo Style".