Browse Items (444 total)

1989 cover of The Palimpsest

Cover of summer 1989 magazine featuring a hobo at the back step of house. Feature of Britt convention with photo from 1939 convention.

"The 19th century harvest hand" article

Article featuring information on the history of hoboing in the 19th century.

Excerpts from the book Subsistence U.S.A.

Documentation of the "underclass" of America featuring stories from hoboes in the early 19th century.

"Home sweet home" newspaper excerpt and hobo bread

Article discussing hoboes charged with vagrancy. Recipe for hobo bread. Publisher/creator/source unknown.

"Living on hobo time" article

Article featuring stories from the road.

Interview with Collinwood Kid and Flatcar Frank

Collinwood Kid recalls his first experiences hopping freight trains in Ohio when we was 18 years old. Flatcar Frank shares his thoughts on the Hobo Convention. He also shares information about the layout of the Britt jungle and the history behind the…

Minneapolis Skinny, K-bar, and Virginia Slim

Minneapolis Skinny describes his experiences hopping freight trains with Adman. He also shares his personal memories about Adman. Virginia Slim and K-bar share their memories as well.

Hobo Church symbol

The official symbol of Hobo Church. Hobo Church is led by Sunrise and K-bar annually at the Hobo Convention in Britt. Photo of official symbol from K-bar.

Hobo beer bottle

Beer bottle from Algoma Brewing.

"The Hobo Style" book

Book dedicated to documenting hobo history and culture. Britt, Iowa featured. Created in partnership with the Hobo Museum in Britt.