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Whiz Comics: Captain Marvel a Hobo?

Cover image depicts hobo walking along train tracks looks at billboard with Captain Marvel. Billboard text displacts "Is Captain Marvel a hobo?"

Letter written to Mountain Dew

Letter sent to Mountain Dew written by Will Hoover. Discussion over an article written about Britt possibly published by the Des Moines Register and Tribune. Good luck coin sent to Mountain Dew

"Bums' rush to Britt nears extinction" newspaper article

Article on the decline in attendance at the Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Quotes from Steamtrain Maury.

Mountain Dew and Frisco Jack's tin craft cups

Handmade copper wire hobo cups made from a soup can and a mountain dew can. Frisco Jack is printed on the front of one can. The tin cans most likely originated with hoboes Mountain Dew and Frisco Jack, made with scraps found around a hobo jungle.

"Simple life" postcard

Image of hobo traveling on train tracks with bindlestiff.

"Tooth in the head" postcard

Text displays "Ain't it the truth. I would hate to be the tramp, wouldn't you?" Image displays hobo with bindlestiff being chased by a dog.

Britt postcard

Image displays man and woman driving in a car to Britt, Iowa. Test displays "I'd like to roll along with you to Britt, Iowa."

Continental-Pneumatic postcard

Illustration of two hoboes hitching a ride on the back of a car. Police and dog chasing hoboes on back of car.

"I left my pants" postcard

Image of woman given back undergarments of hobo who staying the night during their travels.

Newport postcard

Image of hoboes freight hopping on top of hay barrel train.