Browse Items (444 total)

Hard Rock Kid hobo doll

From the book "The Hobo Style". Items found in the National Hobo Museum in Britt, Iowa. Doll made by Helen Pechota.

Harmonica Mike En Route to Baldwin, Kansas

Video footage filmed by Harmonica Mike while traveling to Baldwin, Kansas, including a visit to the Iowa State Fair.

Harmonica Mike En Route to Britt, IA

Video footage filmed by Harmonica Mike while traveling to Britt, Iowa for the 1994 National Hobo Convention, and while attending the 1994 National Hobo Convention. Footage of jungle entertainment.

Harmonica Mike En Route to Pennsburg, Pennsylvania

Video footage filmed by Harmonica Mike while traveling through Pennsylvania, and attending the 1994 Pennsburg Hobo Gathering in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania.

Harmonica Mike Enroute to Las Vegas, Washington, and Canada

Video footage by Harmonica Mike while traveling thru Las Vegas, and various locations in Canada and the U.S. state of Washington. Raw footage of traveling by frieght train.

Harmonica Mike: Iowa and Nebraska (festivals and parades)

Video footage filmed by Harmonica Mike while traveling through Iowa and Nebraska, attending various festivals and parades, in both states.

Harmonica Mike: Iowa and Nebraska (freight trains and tourist ride)

Video footage filmed by Harmonica Mike while traveling through Iowa and Nebraska, watching freight trains and participating in a historic steam train ride for tourists, in both states.

Harmonica Milke in Baldwin, Kansas

Video footage filmed by Harmonica Mike while traveling thru Baldwin, Kansas, including participating in a tourist train ride.