Browse Items (444 total)

Hobo bread button

Traditionally, travelers would bake bread over a jungle fire in a #10 tin can. Today, many bakeries have used the hobo figure for business reasons, including the naming of businesses.

Hobo cartoon "If you're so darn smart, why a'int you rich?"

From the book "The Hobo Style". Items found in the National Hobo Museum in Britt, Iowa.

Hobo Church symbol

The official symbol of Hobo Church. Hobo Church is led by Sunrise and K-bar annually at the Hobo Convention in Britt. Photo of official symbol from K-bar.

Hobo Cigar Clippings

These were the cigar leaf scraps from the cigar maker’s bench - cheap cut-off pieces that fell on the floor during the cigar making process. They were sold cheaply because there was no use for them – cigar clippings could not be used to make…

Hobo Convention advertisement

From the book "The Hobo Style". Items found in the National Hobo Museum in Britt, Iowa.

Hobo Convention poster

1980 poster advertising the 80th annual Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Descriptions of rail lines to Britt.

Hobo Convention Stories, 1983, Side A

Extra Tape - Side A.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Hobo Convention Stories, 1983, Side B

Extra Tape - Side B.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Hobo Conversations (1991)

A audio recording, originally recorded in 1991, comprised of seven segments: “Catching Out With Train Sounds,” “Conversations Around A Campfire,” “London Kid Telling Hobo Stories,” “Sidedoor Pullman Kid: Catching Out,” “Sidedoor Pullman Kid: Story…

Hobo Cookbook

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Collection of recipes from various hoboes. Release date unknown.