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Hobo Run bandana

Bandana from the 20th annual Hobo Run.

Hobo Serta Advertisement - Nobody Dies on the Rails

Two short video clips—a hobo-related advertisement, and a short film about hobo life and culture.

Hobo signatures

List of signatures from well-known hoboes in the community. List most likely came from the 1984 Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Names listed from left to right: Hafey “the Bo”, Steam Train Maury, Rambling Rudy, Larry Mierhoff- Gas Can Paddy, Texas…

Hobo Sketches by an Amana Station Agent

Magazine article featuring the history of hoboes traveling through the Amana Colonies in Iowa.

Hobo Soup can

Quoted from the can label: "Hobo Soup was 'born' in the restless, creative mind of Lem Kaercher, a small-town newspaper publisher from Ortonville, Minnesota. In 1953, Lem went into the 'jungles' of Ortonville in search of a feature story on Mr. Hobo,…

Hobo Stories comic book

Cover of comic book features a hobo wandering down a trail. Release date unknown.

Hobo: Riding the Rails for Homeless article

Article featuring Adman about his travels raising money for the homeless.

Hobo’s Wife Cocktail Cardboard train and bottle

In the early 1970, Heublein Beverage Company marketed a series of premixed cocktails. The company capitalized on a story about the wealthy James Eads Howe who gave up his fortune and became a hobo.

Hoboes riding freight train to California

From the book "The Hobo Style". Items found in the National Hobo Museum in Britt, Iowa.

Homemade necklace worn by Frog

From the book "The Hobo Style".