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Interview with The Texas Madman

The Texas Madman's story was published in One More Train to Ride, pages 3-12.Tape 3 - Side A.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Interview with various train riders on specific topics

Some of these tidbits were published in One More Train to Ride.Tape 14 - Side A.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Interview with Virginia Slim, Penny Pincher, Professor Bazinga, and Shutter Bug

Conversation about Virginia Slim's life on the rails, 1950's-1980's. His experiences at the Hobo Convention over the years. Virginia Slim sings some of his favorite songs and shares some of his favorite jokes.

Interviews with Adman (Part 2), Snapshot, and Connecticut Shorty

Adman's story was published in One More Train to Ride, pages 154-157.Tape 11 - Side B.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Interviews with Buck, K-bar, Hobo Charlie, Captain Dingo, Frog, and Adman

Some of these tidbits were published in One More Train to Ride.Tape 13 - Side B.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Interviews with Corrina and Raquel

Raquel's story was published in One More Train to Ride, pages 146-149.Tape 9 - Side B.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Interviews with Dante Doom (Part 2) and New York Grizzly

New York Grizzly's story was published in One More Train to Ride, pages 105-112.Tape 1 - Side B.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Interviews with Hobo Joe, Captain Cloud, Gas Can Paddy, and Shortstop

Shortstop's story was published in One More Train to Ride, pages 69-77.Tape 7 - SC18:D18 ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Interviews with New York Grizzly, Diana, and Oops

Some of these tidbits were published in One More Train to Ride.Tape 13 - Side A.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23

Interviews with New York Slim, New York Grizzly, and Sunshine

New York Slim's story was published in One More Train to Ride, pages 18-27. New York Grizzly's story was published in One More Train to Ride, pages 105-112.Tape 12 - Side A.mp3; cassette tapes digitized by ProVideo Cedar Rapids, 10/23