Browse Items (444 total)

History of the Hobos, Vagabonds and Nomads

Short story of hoboing and the origins of the Britt Hobo Convention.

"A History of the Hoboes" booklet

Explaination of various traveling identities, including tramps, transients, hitchhikers, bums, boomers, gypsies, winos, and vagabonds.

The postcard tramp magazine article

Article titled "Wokring and Wandering". Article explains the historical and cultural significance of hobo art/tramp art.

Photo featuring Adman at the Hobo Convention

Photograph of Adman sitting on the rail tracks and eating mulligan stew at the Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa.

"Bumming out in Britt, Iowa" newspaper article

Feature of Steamtrain Maury in newspaper article that discusses the significance of the Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa.

Britt, IA or bust poster, National Hobo Convention

Reprinted copy of post advertising Britt Hobo Convention. Image of hobo walking with bindlestiff, presumed to be Onion Cotton.

Hopping the rails for charity article

Article featuring Adman on riding the rails for charity. Riding boxcars from New York to California. Source/Publisher and date of publication unknown.

"In search of the hobo king" article

Article featuring Steamtrain Maury and his life hoboing.

"A Hobo Lives Again" book

Book titled "A Hobo Lives Again" featuring stories from hobo life on the read. Release date unknown.