Browse Items (444 total)

"Home sweet home" newspaper excerpt and hobo bread

Article discussing hoboes charged with vagrancy. Recipe for hobo bread. Publisher/creator/source unknown.

Excerpts from the book Subsistence U.S.A.

Documentation of the "underclass" of America featuring stories from hoboes in the early 19th century.

"The 19th century harvest hand" article

Article featuring information on the history of hoboing in the 19th century.

1989 cover of The Palimpsest

Cover of summer 1989 magazine featuring a hobo at the back step of house. Feature of Britt convention with photo from 1939 convention.

"They're all varnish up there" article

Article discussing the significance of the railroads and the role of the hobo.

"Minneapolis Skinny Jungles-Up in Metallurgical Office" article

Minneapolis Skinny shares information about hobo history and culture. Publisher/creator/source unknown. Data unknown.

"Any Army of Boys on the Loose" article

Article from the historic Survey Graphic magazine featuring information about young people hopping the rails during the 1930s.

Photo of Steamtrain Maury

Photograph featuring Steamtrain Maury. Date/location unknown.

The 'Bo article

Article featuring information about hoboing.

"Knight of the road: Frying' Jack still enjoys hobo life" article

Article featuring Frying' Pan Jack and stories from his travels. Creator/publisher/source unknown. Date unknown. Location unknown, picture caption mentions Cottage Grove.