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"King without a kingdom: hobo regent reveals his off lifestyle" article

Article featuring Richard Wilson "The King of the Hobos" on his history hoboing and why he chose to hobo. Publisher/source unknown.

"Emperor's New Clothes" article

Article featuring Steamtrain Maury and other knights of the road.

"The king of tramps was here" article

Article featuring Tex, King of Tramps (K.T.) with stories from his travels.

"The Last of the Great American Hobos" article

Article featuring the 2018 convention in Britt, Iowa.

"My 1936 Dodge 'Pick em' Up" story

Story about acquiring 1936 Dodge. Author unknown, most likely "Adman" Todd Waters. Stories from travels on the road. Date unknown.

Penny Route documents

Documents related to the Penny Route, written by Adman. Details Adman fundraiser for the homeless. The exact date is unknown, most likely early 1980s.

Fundraising Proposal for Homeless American Citizens by Adman

Penny Route fundraising proposal written by Adman. Riding box cars from New York City to Los Angeles raising a penny-a-mile for the homeless. The exact date is unknown.

Hopping the rails for charity article

Article featuring Adman on riding the rails for charity. Riding boxcars from New York to California. Source/Publisher and date of publication unknown.

The Hobo News_1985

Newspaper titled "The Hobo News" (19th edition) from 1985. Dedicated to Lyle George. Creator/location unknown.

"A hobo travels far for homeless" article

Article featuring Adman on his travels and raising money for the homeless.