Browse Items (444 total)

"The Last of the Great American Hobos" article

Article featuring the 2018 convention in Britt, Iowa.

"Even hobos have conventions" article

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Article featuring Fryin' Pan Jack at the convention in Britt, Iowa. Date unknown.

"Hallelujah, I'm a Bum" article

Article on the history of hoboing. Date unknown.

"Endangered Species? Hood Rover Hobo" article

Reproduction of article written about "Hood River Blackie's" life hoboing.

Hobo Nation by J.F. Pirro

This story results from a longtime personal fascination with the hobo culture as a lifestyle choice, and fits within a general genre or catalog within my 42-year print media career's focus on under-served and unrecognized individuals who have such…

The Tramp Joke Book

"The Latest Tramp Jokes", form of discrimination against the wanderer, cover depicts two hoboes and doghouse. Color description: yellow, red, black, white

My First Freight Train Ride

Stories from Iowa Blackie's first train ride.

"Prose and Poetry of Iowa" booklet

Collection of stories and poems from Iowa Blackie. Iowa Blackie shares stories, emotions, and feeling from the road. A semi-autobiographical account of Iowa Blackie growing up in the Midwest on the Pacific railroad line.

Iowa Blackie postcard

Image of Iowa Blackie frieght hopping across Iowa.

"The Alabama Hobo" book

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Stories about hobo life on the road. Release date unknown.