Browse Items (444 total)

"I left my pants" postcard

Image of woman given back undergarments of hobo who staying the night during their travels.

"I may be here for sometime" postcard

Drawing of man being chased up a tree by a bull. Text displays "I may be here for some time."

"I'm not a mason" postcard

Image of stereotypical hobo smoking a pipe and poking fun.

"In search of the hobo king" article

Article featuring Steamtrain Maury and his life hoboing.

"King without a kingdom: hobo regent reveals his off lifestyle" article

Article featuring Richard Wilson "The King of the Hobos" on his history hoboing and why he chose to hobo. Publisher/source unknown.

"Knight of the road: Frying' Jack still enjoys hobo life" article

Article featuring Frying' Pan Jack and stories from his travels. Creator/publisher/source unknown. Date unknown. Location unknown, picture caption mentions Cottage Grove.

"Living on hobo time" article

Article featuring stories from the road.

"Maury Graham: Last of Hobos" article

Article featuring Steamtrain Maury on his life hoboing.

"Minneapolis Skinny Jungles-Up in Metallurgical Office" article

Minneapolis Skinny shares information about hobo history and culture. Publisher/creator/source unknown. Data unknown.

"Murphy's Bum Camp" newspaper article

Local reporting from "Murphy's Bum Camp" near the Kishwaukee river in Illinois. Details the camp used by vagabonds, drifters, and hoboes during the Depression era.