Browse Items (444 total)

To Bellingham Kid from Redbird Express (Part 3)

Video footage of the 1992 National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa, originally created by Redbird Express and given to Bellingham Kid. Part 3 of a four-part video series. Footage from the coronation ceremony and hobo king and hobo queen election.…

To Bellingham Kid from Redbird Express (Part 2)

Video footage of the 1992 National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa, originally created by Redbird Express and given to Bellingham Kid. Part 2 of a four-part video series. Footage featuring jungle entertainment. Footage featuring Steamtrain Maury…

To Bellingham Kid from Redbird Express (Part 1)

Video footage of the 1992 hobo gathering during Railroad Days in Dunsmuir, California, originally created by Redbird Express and given to Bellingham Kid. Part 1 of a four-part video series. Footage from the Dunsmuir Cemetery and footage featuring…

Hobo Gathering in the Nevada Desert by Bellingham Kid

Video footage of a hobo gathering in the Nevada desert, originally created by Bellingham Kid.

National Geographic Video - Love Those Trains

A documentary about railroad history, originally created by National Geographic.

Travelin' Trains

A half-hour short film about hobo life.

The Great American Hobo

A half-hour video about hobo history and hobo life.

The American Experience - Riding the Rails

A documentary about hobo history and hobo life. Interviews from people who rode the rails who explain their reasons for hoboing. Interviewees describe their experiences being incarserated for vagrancy and frieght hopping. Narrated by historian David…

Harmonica Mike Enroute to Las Vegas, Washington, and Canada

Video footage by Harmonica Mike while traveling thru Las Vegas, and various locations in Canada and the U.S. state of Washington. Raw footage of traveling by frieght train.

Hobo Serta Advertisement - Nobody Dies on the Rails

Two short video clips—a hobo-related advertisement, and a short film about hobo life and culture.