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The Blade Steam Train Maury newspaper article
Feature of Steamtrain Maury's life on the rails, explanation of various aspects of hobo history and culture, single page of printed newspaper, slightly frayed edges, handle with care
Tags: culture, history, Steamtrain Maury
"Free the Boxcar" photograph
Picture of boxcar first brought to the hobo jungle in Britt, placed on train tracks and repurposed for use during hobo convention
Tags: culture, history, National Hobo Convention
Britt's First Hobo Convention
Titled "Britt's First Hobo Convention: Including the Origins of 'Tourists Union No. 63 and the History of Britt's 'Onion Cotton' Logo", included text and images
Amana Colonies research
Titled Britt's Hobo Connection to the Amana Colonies, included text and images
Tags: Connecticut Shorty, culture, history
Riding the Rails
Titled "Connecticut Shorty's Riding the Rails", text and photographs included.
Hobo Convention poster
1980 poster advertising the 80th annual Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Descriptions of rail lines to Britt.
Written Letter from Adman
Letter written by Adman that discusses the creation of a time capsule and the establishment of a Hobo Museum for tourist attraction.
Tags: Adman, culture, history, National Hobo Convention
Hobo Manifesto from Annual Convention of Congress of the Hoboes of America
List of policies and aims of hobo culture and life from the 1894 Convention of Congress of the Hoboes of America in Chicago, IL.
Tags: culture, history, National Hobo Convention
The Historic Graffiti Society pamphlet
Pamphlet from The Hobo Graffiti Society the details the historic significance of hobo codes and graffiti.
"Murphy's Bum Camp" newspaper article
Local reporting from "Murphy's Bum Camp" near the Kishwaukee river in Illinois. Details the camp used by vagabonds, drifters, and hoboes during the Depression era.
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Mountain Dew and Frisco Jack's tin craft cups

Handmade copper wire hobo cups made from a soup can and a mountain dew can. Frisco Jack is printed on the front of one can. The tin cans most likely…