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Hobo Cookbook

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Collection of recipes from various hoboes. Release date unknown.

On the Road songs

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A collection of songs by "Virginia Slim". Release date unknown.

Steel Clad Bath advertisement

Advertisement featuring a depiction of a hobo. Date unknown.

Fairbank soap advertisement

Depiction of a hobo featured in the advertisement. Date unknown.

"His Christmas Dinner" Harper's Weekly article

An article from Harper's Ferry featuring a story about a hobo at Christmas Time. Cover features depiction of a hobo. Release date unknown.

Kellogg's "Mask the Bum" cereal box mask

Kelloggs Mask Demon Dan Kelloggs Cereal Box Mask Uncut. Date unknown.

Ladies Home Journal article on hygiene

Piece on hygiene featuring hoboes. Date unknown.

"Around the Jungle Fire": a collection of stories from life on the road

A collection of stories from authentic hobo life on the road. Consists of a 3-part series. Release date unknown.

"The Alabama Hobo" book

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Stories about hobo life on the road. Release date unknown.

"A Hobo Lives Again" book

Book titled "A Hobo Lives Again" featuring stories from hobo life on the read. Release date unknown.