Publications and Creative Works


This collection features scholarship and written works by various contributors. Topics include songs from the road, poetry, hobo history and culture, recipes, biographies, memoirs, and other textual materials of significance.

Collection Items

"Remnants" song book
Collection of songs, lyrics, and poems from Virginia Slim's travels on the road. Picture of a young Viriginia Slim riding the rails on the cover.

The Life of a Hobo: Frog pamphlet
The story of why Frog began hoboing, definition of hoboing, and stories of train riding. This story is contained in One More Train to Ride: The Underground World of Modern American Hoboes, pages 41-47, by Cliff Williams (Oats), published by Indiana…

"Patches" pamphlet
Steamtrain Maury" explaining the historical significance of the Britt Hobo Convention. History of hoboing from post-Civil War to the 1970s. Steamtrain Maury's perspective on the definition of hoboing.
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