Caricature Postcards, Envelopes, and Sketches


This collection features old hobo postcards and caricature-type drawings depicting hobo travels on the road. Old hobo postcards from the early 1900's - 1930's were developed by commercialized entities as a result of the popularity of the Hobo Convention in the newspapers. Some hoboes developed caricature type drawings from their travels on the road.

Collection Items

"Simple life" postcard
Image of hobo traveling on train tracks with bindlestiff.

"Tooth in the head" postcard
Text displays "Ain't it the truth. I would hate to be the tramp, wouldn't you?" Image displays hobo with bindlestiff being chased by a dog.

Britt postcard
Image displays man and woman driving in a car to Britt, Iowa. Test displays "I'd like to roll along with you to Britt, Iowa."
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