National Hobo Convention's Hobo Video Library


A catalog digitized by The Piped Piper.

The National Hobo Convention’s Hobo Video Library is a joint venture among the following members of the hobo family: The Pied Piper, Minneapolis Jewel, Tuck, Collinwood Kid, Brenda Justice, and the Hilbert family. It is comprised of videos related to hobo history and culture that were converted from various formats (including VHS tapes).

The following is a list of the collection of hobo videos within the National Hobo Convention’s Hobo Video Library that have been numbered and catalogued, with brief descriptions of each video based on present knowledge of each video within the collection.

This list will change as the video collection expands. If anyone has any additional information specific to any of the videos within the collection, please let Collinwood Kid and/or The Pied Piper know, and we will modify and include that information within the descriptions of the videos within the Video Library.


  • Collinwood Kid and The Piped Piper

Collection Items

A segment from a talk show titled “Real People,” featuring a description about the National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa, with an emphasis about the annual Hobo King and Queen elections. Raw footage from the convention featuring famous and…

A collection of interviews taken at the 1989 National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa. Hoboes interviewed include Cardboard discussing railroad bulls, Inkman explaining the meaning behind his moniker, Fishbones discussing hoboing in the 1930s, Gas Can…

Video footage of the 1990 National Hobo Convention in Britt, Iowa, originally recorded by Redbird Express and given to Minneapolis Jewel. Part 1 of 2. Footage of Steamtrain Maury discussing the raising of funds for the Hobo Museum of America and raw…
View all 91 items